Video editing and production
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About Spots Video

Spots Video is an established video production and editing company that aims to make your business shine. It is known for producing the highest quality creative and technical work in the industry. Since 1990, the company has produced TV commercials and corporate image videos for local and national brands including Kraft Foods, Sears, Allstate, Kelloggs, McDonald’s, United Airlines, and more. In addition, Spots Video edited a comedy sketch called “Sugar or Plain” starring Jim Belushi for Saturday Night Live.

Spots Video is run by owner Bruce Frankel and is currently located just north of Chicago in Northbrook, IL. Bruce is dedicated to working within his clients’ budgets, but will never compromise quality. Spots Video clients are proud of their products and services and Bruce is proud of his work for them.

Spots Video is proud to have produced the award-winning children's video "That's How We Build a House," an entertaining and educational video that takes the viewer through the entire construction process. "That's How We Build a House" won Parenting Magazine's "Video of the Year" in 2004 and is sold at